Friday, January 23, 2009

Enjoy the warm-up!

1/23/09 Is anyone else completely ready for a warm day? I cannot tell you how glad I am to see a little sunshine and feel the warmer temperatures. Everyone just seems to be in good spirits today. A little sunshine goes a long way! On today's show, we talked about the fact that President Obama is now going to be able to keep his Blackberry, which of course holds a lot of personal stuff like phone numbers, appointments, pictures and the like. Todd and I chatted about how difficult it will be to try and keep that thing secure...and what about the people stored in it? Will their phones, etc, be secure? I am very curious to see how that goes. That got me to thinking about how much "stuff" I deal with on the internet. I have e-mail both personally and for work, plus a website, a work web page, a blog, accounts on my space , Facebook and Linkedin, and whatever else I might be forgetting. Isn't all this technology supposed to save us time and effort so we have more time for family and friends? We are all simply texting and e-mailing each we talk anymore? Thoughts?

We also talked about the Sasha and Malia Obama getting their own dolls made by TY...."Sweet Sasha" and I believe "Magnificent Malia" are the names. I joked that if my daughter got her own doll it would be called "Ornery Olivia." because she is such a little firecracker right now.
BTW...if you haven't done so...please check out the pics of Livvie on our new Morning Show Page!!!

I also admitted today that Hubby and I haven't had a real "date night" in a couple of years...I know...hard to believe! It really isn't so much that we don't trust anyone to watch her, it is more that we just love spending the time with her and being together as a family. But I do know it is important for us to have our own time, so we are going to WinterJam on January 31st. But the topic of who to leave your kids with morphed into a cool program the American Red cross of Columbus has.....classes for 11-15 year olds on Babysitting! One of the courses even certifies them for CPR! Awesome. Check out my morning show page for the link to the Red Cross! Look under "Heard on The Show."

As to hear from you...this is our place to chat after the show in detail about things we talked about on the show.

Have a great weekend, and then just us at 5am Monday morning, with "28 hours of mercy" beginning at 6am. Be safe and God Bless!!!

1 comment:

  1. While in college, I taught the Babysitters course for the Red Cross. It is AMAZING because it prepares babysitters for every situation (from changing a dirty diaper to preventing choking). I encourage all young people who want to babysit to take the course.
