Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So the forcasters were NOT kidding about bad weather coming!! As someone who has spent a big part of her career getting up very early and making my way into a radio station to cover school closings, road conditions and everything that goes with it, I have to say that this morning was about the worst I have seen in several years. Mainly for the amount of counties it effected. Driving was treacherous in many spots, and that was once you could get into your iced-over car, if you left it outside overnight. I was fortunate on my way home today because even though the roads were in much worse shape then when I was heading in..I had a little help. One of those amazing truck drivers that I was able to follow pretty much the whole way home. I found him just as I was getting on the outerbelt, and was able to stay with him for the whole hour it took me to drive the 34 miles home! I consider that person my guardian angel...and will talk about that tomorrow morning on the show. Has God ever placed a guardian angel in a situation for you? I would love to hear from you either here, or tomorrow morning during our show. Share your story! Now, I must run because I have an excited 2 year old on my lap waiting for mommy to finish her blog so we can play!! I cannot turn that down! Have a wonderful day...stay safe and warm, and we will chat tomorrow morning!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So today we finished up 28 hours of Mercy, for Mission of Mercy. Even in these very tough economic times we were able to help get at least 117 children sponsored. I have a feeling that number will go up too. It is such a tough time for so many families financially, with lay-offs, cutbacks and such, so I am really proud of the audience for stepping up the way they did! I also decided to sponsor a little girl from Swaziland. She is just 6 months older than my daughter, so I look forward to helping her and getting progress reports.

This is the start of my 4th week at The River, and I am starting to feel at home. I am also really starting to feel the effects of getting up early and getting back into a routine. I have always set 2 alarms each morning just in case I sleep through one of them....which has never happened until today. I have no idea how I slept through an alarm blaring...but I did! At least the second one woke me up.

I hope that your commute this morning was not has bad as mine! The roads were a little slick, but the problem was trying to manuever around the drivers going 20 and the drivers going 80!!! It was a little scary! I was suprised to see so many cars on the road so early...but I guess everyone wanted to get an early start. Were you late for work this morning?

It looks like we are already getting some of that snow we were promised, so driving home this evening may be tricky, as will the morning commute. Please be really careful out there.

A heads-up for those of you that can join us in the morning on Wednesday...we will have WinterJam tickets...and we will have the story of a woman who tried to get a meet and greet with may not turn out the way you might join us for that out of 7am!
Talk with you in the Morning on The River!

Monday, January 26, 2009

I don't know about you, but I feel like the weekend went by much too quickly! It seems like I was just loving the warmer temperatures and sunshine, and then it was fast-forward to Monday morning with more snow on the ground! What happened to the time?

And what about that dusting of snow we were supposed to get yesterday? I looked out the window as we were about to leave church yesterday and couldn't believe how much snow was coming down! Ah well...the break was nice while it lasted!

This morning we kicked-off "28 hours of Mercy" with Mission of Mercy. It is amazing what can be done for a child with only 30 dollars per month! I sponsored a little girl from Swaziland who turns 3 on February 13th. She is just 6 Months older than my daughter. Her family was praying for "the blessing of food." WOW..even when times are tough here in the U.S we are so blessed!! I know that the economy is difficult right now, but if you are a person that has been given a little to spare, I hope that you can take time to share it. For those that simply do not have any to spare, we understand completely, and pray that God will meet your needs.

I am looking forward to WinterJam this Saturday night at the Schott...just 10 bucks to get in...maybe I will see you there......

Friday, January 23, 2009

Enjoy the warm-up!

1/23/09 Is anyone else completely ready for a warm day? I cannot tell you how glad I am to see a little sunshine and feel the warmer temperatures. Everyone just seems to be in good spirits today. A little sunshine goes a long way! On today's show, we talked about the fact that President Obama is now going to be able to keep his Blackberry, which of course holds a lot of personal stuff like phone numbers, appointments, pictures and the like. Todd and I chatted about how difficult it will be to try and keep that thing secure...and what about the people stored in it? Will their phones, etc, be secure? I am very curious to see how that goes. That got me to thinking about how much "stuff" I deal with on the internet. I have e-mail both personally and for work, plus a website, a work web page, a blog, accounts on my space , Facebook and Linkedin, and whatever else I might be forgetting. Isn't all this technology supposed to save us time and effort so we have more time for family and friends? We are all simply texting and e-mailing each we talk anymore? Thoughts?

We also talked about the Sasha and Malia Obama getting their own dolls made by TY...."Sweet Sasha" and I believe "Magnificent Malia" are the names. I joked that if my daughter got her own doll it would be called "Ornery Olivia." because she is such a little firecracker right now.
BTW...if you haven't done so...please check out the pics of Livvie on our new Morning Show Page!!!

I also admitted today that Hubby and I haven't had a real "date night" in a couple of years...I know...hard to believe! It really isn't so much that we don't trust anyone to watch her, it is more that we just love spending the time with her and being together as a family. But I do know it is important for us to have our own time, so we are going to WinterJam on January 31st. But the topic of who to leave your kids with morphed into a cool program the American Red cross of Columbus has.....classes for 11-15 year olds on Babysitting! One of the courses even certifies them for CPR! Awesome. Check out my morning show page for the link to the Red Cross! Look under "Heard on The Show."

As to hear from you...this is our place to chat after the show in detail about things we talked about on the show.

Have a great weekend, and then just us at 5am Monday morning, with "28 hours of mercy" beginning at 6am. Be safe and God Bless!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What a fun show today! I got to talk to a gal (Ali) who is trying to find her sister a great christian guy in the Columbus area through her blog! (DateMySis) Both big and little sis are following this blog, so be sure to follow their story too! I was amazed at the number of women that later e-mailed me wondering about how this worked, and asking about our follow-up topic....where and how DO you meet a person that shares your moral values these days? Most people figure you won't find such a person at a nightclub or places like that, so what are your ideas? Some callers mentioned Church singles groups, and the internet, which are good as long as you are careful on the internet of course! If you have any other ideas, please pass them along in a comment here...I will be happy to pass those along. And of course Don't miss Ali and her DateMySis will be fun to keep up with what happens! I think it will be awesome when she finds a great guy!!

Now, I do not know about you, but wow am I worn out! Seems like we jumped from the hectic holidays straight into nasty weather days, and then the was nice to finally see some sunshine and feel the warmer temperatures. I know it is only January, but wow...I am ready for spring!

I am loving the morning gig at The River...and invite you to not only jump in and join here on my blog...but also call in and join the conversation in the mornings when you get the chance. I would love to share thoughts, stories or a laugh with you! Have a great evening!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

Thanks so much for checking out my blog! I want this to be a place where we can discuss items from the show in more depth, share stories, make comments and generally just spend some time together. I will stop in and add comments as warranted following the morning show, so visit back when you can. I also plan to discuss issues that may never make it on the air...but are just on my mind.

I will start by saying how happy I am to be at the River waking up with you! Many of you have written or called to say welcome back to morning radio, and I appreciate it very much. I do have to admit that as much as I am loving it, and feeling right at home...I am really tired! It may take a while to get back into the routine of getting up so early! The good news daughter Olivia still takes a nice nap in the if I get lucky I can get one in too! The other alternative is to go to bed at 7pm each night...but that certainly isn't realistic...or fun.

Anyway...I look forward to our times together each morning...and right here in my blog. Stop in anytime!!!