Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Reality tv gets harsh

Reality TV is getting a little too real for me. Everyone is talking about Jon and Kate plus 8...and not really in a good way. I have to admit that I do not watch that show...I just don't have time to put it into my schedule, But I have friends that have loved watching it. Unfortunately the pressures of living your life in front of everyone may be getting to them. Their family appears to be in real trouble. The marriage has hit a rough patch to say the least. I am worried about what all the attention will do to the kids. All of the chaos appears to be good for ratings, because nearly double the amount of people watched the season-opener this week as did last seasons finale several weeks ago. Does this mean we like to watch people fail, or go through difficult times? Do we feel better about our own lives when we watch others having a tougher time than us?

I think they might need to take some time off AWAY from the cameras and try to work out their marriage, or REALITY might get too harsh for all of them. Some things don't need the blinding glare of the media.

Would a happy, well adjusted family with God at the center be too boring for us to watch?


  1. This devastates me bc there was a time that it appeared that J&K had God at the center of their lives. I pray that He still is, and that it is only a matter of time and prayer that they find Him again.

    I realize it's only TV thus I don't see all sides of the situation. But for the sake of those 8 precious children, I pray the best for that family.

  2. I have loved watching that show, and my 2 year old daughter also loves watching it and seeing all the kids play with each other. As I was watching the much anticipated premier on Sunday, my heart just ached for them. It is obvious that everything has caught up with them, do they still love each other, I really think they do..I think that they just need to get their life back focused on God and there family and do it away from television. It will take time for both of them, but I think for those precious children it needs to happen. Lots of people praying for them...
